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Movie Reviews - I keep 'em short and usually to the point cuz I don't got the time scro!

IDIOCRACY - all about an average Joe who takes part in a government experiment gone bad
and wakes up 500 years in a future populated by drooling illiterate morons owned by the
United States government AT&T Carl's Junior Corporation. In other words pretty much where
society is now. Funny and depressing, Mike Judge strikes gold again.

THE ILLUSIONIST - As a piece of pure fantasy-fiction, this film works very well. Edward Norton
and Paul Giamatti are great, but the crux of the plot takes major leaps in logic.

CLERKS 2 - Can't resist those Kevin Smith comedies, everyone of them has something great
and this one's no different. You got Jay and Silent Bob and the other two guys who now work
at a fast food restaurant lamenting about life and shit with the occasional hilarious hi-jinx.

APOCALYPTO - Why god why. Mel Gibson proves his divine ignorance yet another time in
this wildly inaccurate story about Mayans? Hardly. The list of bullshit is long, but here are a
few items- 1)Mayans did occasionally sacrifice their own royalty, not random prisoners.  
2)They did not have open dumping grounds for piles of bodies because of 1.  3)Mayans were
very advanced in mathematics, astronomy, etc.
, So they would not be freaking out when a
solar eclipse occurs.
They created the Mayan calendar for christ's sake. I really hope
someone steps up and makes a real film about the Mayans because ol' Mel has screwed the
proverbial pooch on this one.

THE STATION AGENT movie  Superb slice-o-life film about a dwarf who inherits a remote train
station. Trains man, they are damn cool, and you can recommend this one to yer ma as well!

BUBBA HO-TEP movie  See this for the performances alone, Bruce Campbell and Ossie
Davis are fucking great! Good story from Joe R. Lansdale and of course helmed by one of
the masters, Don Coscarelli, who managed to make an engaging, funny film on a very low
(under 1 mil) budget.

IN THIS WORLD movie  About two escapees from a Pakastani refugee camp who desperately
try to make their way to London. Gritty and gut wrenching film shot in a well paced cinema
verite style.

PAYCHECK  Philip K. Dick gets royally dicked. Lifeless, Hackneyed bullshit.

28 DAYS LATER...I watched Evil Dead, Dead Alive, Dawn of the Dead and the last 5 minutes
of Resident Evil (mediocre film, but the ending is almost the precise beginning to 28 Days
Later). "Re-invents the zombie genre" MY ASS. Once again, overblown hype tries to re-invent

BELOW movie  Twohy (Pitch Black, The Arrival) and Aronofsky (Pi, Requiem for a Dream)
team up for this superb World War 2 supernatural submarine thriller. Never heard of it? When
you see the resolution (in this time of cro-magnon uber patriot-act-ism) you'll know why.

PUNCH DRUNK LOVE  This film is so neurotic it makes Woody Allen look like the Dalai Lama.

SCI-FI CHANNEL MOVIES  I won't bother with individual titles here because THEY ALL SUCK.
What the hell are they thinking? Who approves these productions? No wonder people
generally detest science fiction, with wall to wall crap like these movies who can blame them?

DAGON movie  marks the return of Stuart Gordon's Lovecraft adapations, and this one could
be the best. Not played for laughs like ReAnimator, Dagon is dark, atmospheric and
sometimes shocking. Its is gory, but this is not just a gore fest movie, Gordon simply delivers
the goods at the right places.

DARKNESS FALLS  and so do the i.q.'s of the movie going audience subjected to this piece
of drek. Another big budget horror film that's merely horrible. Flat, hackneyed and plain

SECRETARY movie James Spader guessed it...another great offbeat role. A dose of
bdsm action in this one along with kinky humor. A genuine love story to get spanked to.

THEY LIVE movie  If you haven't seen it, go see it now. Stop what you're doing, leave work,
break out of prison, whatever. John Carpenter's science fiction-horror masterpiece is

APPETITE movie  (British film from Avalanche distribution) Low budget gem out of nowhere
about strange happenings in an old british hotel. Poignant, bizarre and hypnotic...see this

DONNIE DARKO movie  Concerning time travel, a  large prophetic rabbit and the inevitable
consequences of plane engines falling into houses.  This brilliant film got plain fucked at the
box office courtesy of 9-11, but it's on video/dvd so check it out!

STAR WARS: SEND IN THE CLONES  I watched this piece of shit until the muppet attacked
Christopher Lee. If this movie is the dawn of "enviromentally friendly" digital filmmaking, i want
my polluting film stock back.

MEET THE FEEBLES movie  If you want to see a good movie with muppets (albeit adult
muppets) see this movie, one of Peter Jackson's (yes the same guy who made the Tolkien
tripe) first films which is part porn, part musical and part gore-fest. Brilliant and disgusting!

ELIZABETH movie  What can be said but KATE BLANCHETTE! Blood, gore and mayhem
abound in this engaging (and seldom boring) film about the queen they could not kill.

MR. SHOW movie  The first 2 seasons of David Cross and Bob Odenkirk's HBO TV series,
only avaliable on dvd i believe. If you like offensive in your face sketch comedy, check this out.

MINORITY REPORT movie  Spielberg attempts Philip K. Dick  with mixed results. It is great
that Dick is still popular for adaptations (see BLADE RUNNER, TOTAL RECALL, BARJO,
SCREAMERS and IMPOSTER) and i have a feeling we'll see many more in the near future.

IMPOSTER movie   a better adaptation than MINORITY REPORT on a much lower budget,
Imposter remains truer to the "Dickian" sense, in other words it doesn't whimp out in the

SIGNS   I now refer to the filmmaker as M. Knight Shama-lama-dingdong, for being such
a self indulgent jerk off. This piece of crap shows you how it takes a bunch of evil aliens
(who have light speed travel but happen to be malevolent slobbering monsters on their
weekends off) to restore the faith in a faltering priest. Wow.

THE FACULTY movie  or COLUMBINE EXPLAINED. Superb riff on the assimilation
paranoia concept about a midwest school taken over by aliens. Co-stars John Stewart!

ART OF WAR   Decent "who's fucking who" espionage vehicle until the last ten minutes
when it turns into ridiculous crap.

DRAGONFLY  Okay, listen carefully. Even if you're bombarded with tangible paranormal
events, all ya really need is faith to see you through. Isn't that special.

TWELFTH NIGHT movie   Usually I find Shakespeare far too melodramatic, and the plays or
movies ultimately seem very alien to me. Not so with this great adaptation starring Ben
Kingsley, Imogen Stubbs & Helena Bonham Carter. Good rendering of songs as well.

COLLATERAL DAMAGE   Arnie Schwartenburger  goes after those evil drug dealing
Colombian you know, those damn people who just aren't new world
order team players.

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