Category Archives: no budget

Cuentos de la Bruja Wins Best B-Movie of the Year

Peruvian horror anthology film CUENTOS DE LA BRUJA aka WITCH TALES has won the annual BEST B-MOVIE AWARD at the Flicks Film Festival in London. Written and directed by Mike T. Lyddon, the indie horror film is now half way … Continue reading

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Horror Screams Video Vault Interviews Mike Lyddon

From the early days of shooting short super 8 films in the Antelope Valley to his latest feature film FIRST MAN ON MARS (2016), indie filmmaker Mike T. Lyddon or Reel Progress LLC discusses the ins and outs of shooting … Continue reading

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Posted in cult films, horror interviews, indie horror, indy horror, Low Budget Horror Comedies, no budget, Reel Progress | Leave a comment

No Budget Brilliance of Coherence

Coherence (2014) Like Shane Carruth did with Primer and Upstream Color, director James Ward Byrkit has crafted a stunning no budget science fiction film without special effects which is so much better than the 100 million dollar crapola Hollywood is … Continue reading

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Posted in low budget films, no budget, science fiction | Tagged , , , , , | 1 Comment