Tag Archives: Cut Up

Cut Up On Amazon Instant Video

Cut Up Looking for a good Halloween suspense/horror film you probably haven’t seen before? On Amazon’s instant video available for 7 day rental or purchase (direct download) is Cut Up, the first feature I made with Jeff Turick in the … Continue reading

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Cut Up – Halloween Countdown Film #3

Cut Up (1994) This is the first feature film I ever made, co-written, produced and directed with Jeff Turick, Charles Bush as DP, Phil Beard as lighting designer and key grip and John Woods (who penned the last Halloween film … Continue reading

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Cut Up Dvd on VOD?

Reel Progress president Mike Lyddon is in negotiations now to acquire the VOD distribution rights to his first film, “Cut Up,” which was made in the mid 90’s in New Orleans, La under the banner of Cutting Edge Films. If … Continue reading

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