Category Archives: Reel Progress

Updates on Horror Anthology Movies

Greetings everyone, I haven’t made posts on the reel progress page for a while but I am actively posting on my other sites, my flagship movie site and for pre-code horror comics.  Please check those sites for updates, … Continue reading

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Cuentos de la Bruja Wins Best B-Movie of the Year

Peruvian horror anthology film CUENTOS DE LA BRUJA aka WITCH TALES has won the annual BEST B-MOVIE AWARD at the Flicks Film Festival in London. Written and directed by Mike T. Lyddon, the indie horror film is now half way … Continue reading

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Posted in horror anthologies, horror film festivals, indie horror, Low Budget Horror Comedies, no budget | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Cuentos de la Bruja Official Selection at SWFF 2019

Mike T. Lyddon and Reel Progress LLC are pleased to announce that the feature length horror movie Cuentos de la Bruja is an official selection of the Something Wicked Film Festival aka SWFF 2019 to be held at the Southern … Continue reading

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Posted in horror anthologies, horror film festivals, indie films, indie horror, Low Budget Horror Films, Reel Progress | Tagged , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Cuentos de la Bruja Official Selection Reels of the Dead

Days of the Dead horror convention kicks off in Atlanta, Georgia this weekend and their concurrent film festival REELS OF THE DEAD will be showing Mike Lyddon’s latest feature film, a Spanish language horror anthology titled CUENTOS DE LA BRUJA … Continue reading

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Horror Screams Video Vault Interviews Mike Lyddon

From the early days of shooting short super 8 films in the Antelope Valley to his latest feature film FIRST MAN ON MARS (2016), indie filmmaker Mike T. Lyddon or Reel Progress LLC discusses the ins and outs of shooting … Continue reading

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Posted in cult films, horror interviews, indie horror, indy horror, Low Budget Horror Comedies, no budget, Reel Progress | Leave a comment

Mad Monster Party presents First Man on Mars

Reel Progress is pleased to announce that FIRST MAN ON MARS is an official selection at the Mad Monster Party Film Festival coming this weekend, March 24th through 26th in Rock Hill, SC.  Among the many events and special guests … Continue reading

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Posted in horror comedy, indie films, Low Budget Horror Comedies, Reel Progress, science fiction | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

Interview with Reel Progress Founder Mike Lyddon

Misty Layne from Rogue Cinema offers up the latest interview with Mike T. Lyddon, the founder of Reel Progress which celebrates 20 years online this month. Lyddon talks about his newest feature, the low budget indy flick First Man on … Continue reading

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Posted in horror interviews, indy horror, low budget films, Low Budget Horror Comedies, Low Budget Horror Films, Low Budget Science Fiction Films, Reel Progress | Tagged , , , , , | Leave a comment

First Man on Mars Video on Demand

The new feature length Reel Progress sci-fi horror comedy “First Man on Mars” is now available on AMAZON INSTANT VOD. You can rent the film for 7 days or download it as a permanent addition to your collection. In 2004, … Continue reading

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Posted in horror on demand, horror vod, indy horror, Low Budget Horror Comedies, science fiction | Tagged , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

The Martian is Coming!

The trailer for FIRST MAN ON MARS is now listed on you tube! Produced and directed by Mike T. Lyddon, this feature length satirical homage to 70’s drive-in B-movies is currently being marketed worldwide with a U.S. street date projected … Continue reading

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Tomcat Films Acquires First Man on Mars

“King of the Mockbusters” Ted Chalmers and Tomcat Films have acquired the Reel Progress LLC production of Mike T. Lyddon’s feature length horror-comedy FIRST MAN ON MARS for both foreign and domestic distribution. The film is getting its foreign release … Continue reading

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